Starting young with healthy eating

Eating habits play an important role for us, and when we sit down to meals we use fabric napkins and colorful plates. The kids learn that eating together is fun and good table manners can add to the enjoyment of food.
Healthy food THAT KIDS LOVE

Fresh ingredients and healthy cooking make for delicious food – even if it may taste a bit different from sugary ready-meals. Studies have shown that if kids mainly have a diet of fast food they have difficulty getting used to natural ingredients. With us, they learn to associate healthy food with delicious tastes.
We have worked with our caterers to develop some mouth-watering, balanced recipes especially for the children. Hot food is delivered from outside, but we supply fruit, drinks and the occasional sandwich from our own modern kitchens. And of course we take into account food allergies and intolerances – please contact us if necessary.

“Little Stars” Cookbook

It is possible for food to be both healthy and tasty! The kids love our simple recipes. And now – with generous sponsorship from a family with children at “Die Sternchen” – we have put our favorites together in a cookbook to help parents prepare the same delicious meals for everyone in their families.
You can download the book here. Have fun cooking and enjoy eating!